Neck Pain Relief

If neck pain is keeping you from living a fulfilling, productive life, Dr. Daniel Cronk at Cronk Chiropractic in Spokane, WA, offers natural and personalized neck pain relief through customized chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Relief from Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of many disruptive issues, as it can make it hard to sleep, focus, move, or do anything else. It can be caused by a wide range of factors, including whiplash from an auto or sports accident, poor posture, being sedentary, repetitive lifting, and more. Such accidents and habits lead to issues such as herniated discs, soft tissue injuries, and misalignment

As neck pain can be due to so many different injuries and factors, every individual suffering from it needs customized care. Dr. Cronk and our team at Cronk Chiropractic in Spokane, WA, are dedicated to helping you achieve neck pain relief through the most effective natural techniques for your needs. Below are some methods we offer.


Misalignment is often the core of pain, as it can put unnecessary pressure on nerves, discs, muscles, and other tissues. Relieving neck pain typically begins with restoring proper alignment in the neck and back to relieve that pressure.

Trigger Point Therapy

If you’ve ever touched a tender knot in your neck or tried to move your neck in a way that created a sudden sharp pain, you might have a trigger point. Trigger points are knots that develop in the muscles and fascia, usually as a result of a chronic issue, like tension, or an unhealed musculoskeletal injury. They cause a great deal of pain and restrict range of motion. Trigger point therapy focuses on breaking up these knots.

Mechanical Traction

Tension, poor posture, misalignment, and other issues can put undue pressure on the discs and nerves, which can be painful and impair bodily function. Traction therapy helps stretch the cervical spine to relieve this pressure and help the discs return to their proper place.

Therapeutic Massage

Tension is often the source of neck pain and headaches. Massage therapy is dedicated to loosening tight tissues and improving blood flow.

Therapeutic Ultrasound

When tension and other problems are buried in the deeper levels of tissue, they can be difficult to access and treat. Therapeutic ultrasound emits sound waves into these deeper tissues to relieve tension, stimulate healing, and improve blood flow.

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy can also penetrate deep tissue layers to create a response in the cells to help damaged tissues regenerate.

Receive a personalized combination of neck pain relief techniques from Dr. Cronk and the team at Cronk Chiropractic in Spokane, WA. Call (509) 900-6555 to schedule an appointment today. 

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